Countertop Edges

Details, details, details

It’s often the smaller design elements that make your kitchen or bath unique, with all your choices coming together to create a beautiful, seamless appearance. From standard to specialty and custom, here’s a quick look at the most popular countertop edge styles available for your Albuquerque home.

Details, details, details

It’s often the smaller design elements that make your kitchen or bath unique, with all your choices coming together to create a beautiful, seamless appearance. From standard to specialty and custom, here’s a quick look at the most popular countertop edge styles available for your Albuquerque home.

Edge Upgrades

Edge Upgrades It’s the one thing that can make the difference between a design that works and one that does not is detail. In design, details are everything. In marble and granite, Rocky Mountain Stone gives you all the details to make your job extraordinary. From the color and finish of natural stone to the detail of edgework, your combination of choices is endless. Edge details can make a striking and lasting impression. They should be used to enhance the overall design of the space. For instance, if square, straight, clean lines are predominating in a space, then square, straight edges should be used on your stonework. The edges available for this clean look are 2-cm, 4-cm or 6-cm flat polish, 2-cm, 4-cm or 6-cm bevel, or any size of mitred apron. Square edges and corners can pose problems in a high traffic area and should be softened by slightly rounding the corners. When you’re working with a space filled with curves and soft corners, it’s best to use rounded edges to tie things together – like demi bullnose, full bullnose or a radius edge. These edges can be applied on straight edges as well as curves. Rounded edges tend to soften the stone and make it more functional in high traffic areas, but will not detract from the design.

They should be used to enhance the overall design of the space. For instance, if square, straight, clean lines are predominating in a space, then square, straight edges should be used on your stonework. The edges available for this clean look are 2-cm, 4-cm or 6-cm flat polish, 2-cm, 4-cm or 6-cm bevel, or any size of mitred apron. Square edges and corners can pose problems in a high traffic area and should be softened by slightly rounding the corners. When you’re working with a space filled with curves and soft corners, it’s best to use rounded edges to tie things together – like demi bullnose, full bullnose or a radius edge. These edges can be applied on straight edges as well as curves. Rounded edges tend to soften the stone and make it more functional in high traffic areas, but will not detract from the design.

Flat Polish
Quarter Round
Demi Bullnose
Double Quarter
Full Bullnoise

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